Friday, January 08, 2010

New Year, New Lives

It's a new year, so I finally came back to start this thing over again. Deleted all the previous stuff as I have different interests now and little time. Yep, that's my real pic. Don't care if I'm linked to my pen name.

2009 was pretty bad. My husband has now been laid off for one year and one month, so I work pretty much 24/7. Sleep about 3-4 hours a night. Barely paying the bills. Health insurance up to $695 a month on COBRA and can't keep it up much longer. My uncle and my BIL died.

But my daughter has a new baby, another daughter is due in 5 weeks, and another one got married in November.

That's not to say I don't have fun, though! I enjoy writing to my authors and friends, hopefully will enjoy this blog again, I still play my instruments (have a new cello - rented of course), and I got a Nintento DS Lite for Christmas and have collected every used brain game I can find thus far (but only have about 30" a day to play it). I love to cook but not much time for it - I always cook a big meal on Sundays when my dad comes over to watch football. We have a contest every year - we all make our picks on which teams will win every week. Two weeks ago I was in 6th place and I made a bunch of crazy picks (NYJ over IND, BUF over IND, CAR over NO, etc) and now I'm in 2nd place lol. We don't win anything but bragging rights but it's fun. We play beer pong (with water) every Tuesday night because it's free. And I have new baby to play with here whenever I want to. Soon to be another. I almost never do any housework -- others here do it. Christmas was great. The wedding was great (his parents paid for it).

So this year I have a few goals:
1) Work LESS
2) Play MORE
3) Develop more business/make more money
4) Find more things that D can/will do
5) Get neck/back surgery before insurance runs out, but if I did then I couldn't work and I couldn't pay the bills and then 6 people living here would have to live in a two room camper somewhere, so that's probably not going to happen.
6) Ride bicycle more

I think that's about it!

Huggs to all my friends and hope to see you soon!